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Across thousand miles, the friendship between China and Thailand is everlasting(II)

来源: 国际教育学院 添加时间: 2024-06-24

  The study group of Thailand Krirk University to Dalian Art College officially opened the study week on 11th June 2024. The first day of study week, A grand welcome opening ceremony for the students of the research group to China by Dalian Art College leaders and Liaoning branch of Krirk University leader. Also a special souvenir was prepared for the students.48afcdef16f6399f4207ff813fd54f9.jpgcf11a8be924673c5a8f4d1bef683519.jpg   There was a great exchang by both students after the meeting and visited Inspirational hall, Art college, fashion college and music college. from web_web_wechat_the development history of the College to art, fashion, music and other special courses are discussed in depth.cba3298f8851f2977fe142db4087fe1.jpgdabac62a4c0114bb68a72b4a501e28c.jpg   
文字/王若涵 图片/王若涵